michael jackson . All In Your Name - Part1

Michael Jackson and I were the dearest of friends, thats simply what it was. We gravitated towards the same kind of music and we loved collaborating and he was the easiest person to write with. The more we got to know each other the more those ideas entwined and it all came to this song " All in Your Name".
"All in Your Name" is infact the message that Michael wanted to send out to all of his fans all over the World that he did it all for them and for the pure love of music. I hope and pray that we all get to hear it in its entirety. This experience i will treasure forever.

michael jackson . All In Your Name - Part 2

Michael Jackson and I were the dearest of friends, thats simply what it was. We gravitated towards the same kind of music and we loved collaborating and he was the easiest person to write with. The more we got to know each other the more those ideas entwined and it all came to this song " All in Your Name".
"All in Your Name" is infact the message that Michael wanted to send out to all of his fans all over the World that he did it all for them and for the pure love of music. I hope and pray that we all get to hear it in its entirety. This experience i will treasure forever.

Michael Jackson

American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, on August 29, 1958, and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. وكان والده ، جو جاكسون ، وكان عازف الجيتار لكنه اضطر الى التخلي عن طموحاته الموسيقية التالية زواجه من كاثرين (Scruse). His father, Joe Jackson, had been a guitarist but was forced to give up his musical ambitions following his marriage to Katherine (Scruse). معا حث مصالح أفراد أسرتهما الموسيقية في المنزل. Together they prodded their growing family's musical interests at home. من أوائل 1960s ، والأولاد الأكبر سنا جاكي وتيتو وجيرمين قد بدأت تنفيذ في جميع أنحاء المدينة ، وبحلول عام 1964 ، ومايكل ومارلون انضمت معجزة in.A الموسيقية والغناء مايكل ومواهب الرقص وناضجة بشكل مثير للدهشة ، وانه سرعان ما أصبحت الصوت المهيمن والتركيز على جاكسون 5. By the early 1960s, the older boys Jackie, Tito and Jermaine had begun performing around the city; by 1964, Michael and Marlon had joined in.A musical prodigy, Michael's singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature, and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5. كان عملا الافتتاحية للجماعات الروح مثل يا جايس وجيمس براون ، غلاديس نايت (وليس ديانا روس) الذي جلب رسميا الفريق إلى اهتمام بيري غوردي ، وبحلول عام 1969 ، والأولاد وإنتاج مخطط العودة إلى الوراء ، يضرب خرق كفنانين موتاون ("أريدك العودة" ، "اي بي سي" ، "لا ان تقول وداعا" ، "يجب أن يكون هناك" ، وغيرها). An opening act for such soul groups as the O-Jays and James Brown, it was Gladys Knight (not Diana Ross) who officially brought the group to Berry Gordy's attention, and by 1969, the boys were producing back-to-back chart-busting hits as Motown artists ("I Want You Back," "ABC," "Never Can Say Goodbye," "Got to Be There," etc.). كمنتج من 1970s ، برز كواحد من الفتيان البوب ​​السوداء أكفأ / المجموعات الصوتية الروح في تاريخ الموسيقى ، وتتطور بنجاح من مجموعة مثل إغراءات مرقص نجاح phenomenon.Solo لمايكل كان لا مفر منه ، وقبل 1980s ، كان قد أصبح بلا حدود أكثر شعبية من جماعته الشقيق. As a product of the 1970s, the boys emerged as one of the most accomplished black pop/soul vocal groups in music history, successfully evolving from a group like The Temptations to a disco phenomenon.Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s, he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. مبيعات قياسية تدور باستمرار ، وبلغت ذروتها في ألبوم مبيعا في كل العصور "، وفيلم" في 1982. Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, "Thriller" in 1982. بدأ الجانب السلبي كظاهرة البوب ​​1980s طبيعي التلفزيون ، وقال انه غامر بدلا مريح في الأفلام ، مثل لعب في الفزاعة والحذق ، ولكن الحظ كان أفضل بكثير مع videos.In وضع الموسيقى 1990s ، على الخلفية نفسها. A TV natural, he ventured rather uneasily into films, such as playing the Scarecrow in The Wiz, but had much better luck with elaborate music videos.In the 1990s, the downside as an 1980s pop phenomenon began to rear itself. نما بشكل رهيب مايكل الطفل مثل الانطواء والتي شهرته منقطع النظير. Michael grew terribly child-like and introverted by his peerless celebrity. مرعوب وبدلا من ذلك ، الرقم مخنث لتبدأ ، بدأ ظهوره الفعلي إلى تغيير جذري ، وسلوكه الغريب نمت بشكل مخيف ، مما جعله هدفا متسقة لفضيحة القرارات ، على الرغم من أفعاله خيرية عديدة. A rather timorous, androgynous figure to begin with, his physical appearance began to change drastically, and his behavior grew alarmingly bizarre, making him a consistent target for scandal-making, despite his numerous charitable acts. كانت مزورة وطفلين التي تنتجها زوجته الثانية وخلال ذلك الوقت ، ولكن يبدو وراءها أغراض صورة المنحى -- اثنان من الزيجات قصيرة -- واحدة من ابنة الفيس بريسلي ليزا ماري بريسلي. Two brief marriages -- one to Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie Presley -- were forged and two children produced by his second wife during that time, but the purposes behind them appeared image-oriented. على الرغم من كل ذلك ، لا مثيل لها العاطفة مايكل جاكسون والفنية كمغنية ، والكاتب ، راقصة ورجل الأعمال ، ومن هذه المواهب المذهلة التي ستسود في نهاية المطاف على الجوانب السلبية للغاية من life.For له الكبار المضطربة على محمل الجد كل ذلك إلى نهاية حزيران / يونيو 25 ، 2009 ، مع وفاته المفاجئة في سن ال 50 من القبض على القلب المخدرات التي يسببها ، تماما كما كان الخروج من فترة كوريا الشمالية لمدة أربع سنوات والتمرين لبيعها إلى الخارج "العودة" لندن حفلة موسيقية في تموز / يوليو ، ويبدو قاسية غير عادية ومأساوية. Despite it all, Michael Jackson's passion and artistry as a singer, dancer, writer and businessman are unparalleled, and it is these prodigious talents that will ultimately prevail over the extremely negative aspects of his seriously troubled adult life.For it all to end on June 25, 2009, with his sudden death at age 50 of a drug-induced cardiac arrest, just as he was coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert "comeback" in July, seems uncommonly cruel and tragic. سوف الملايين على الملايين من المشجعين مخصصة تذكر حيث كانوا "اليوم مايكل مات". Millions upon millions of dedicated fans will remember where they were "the day Michael died".